My son is loud.
And he was recently gone for a week. He took a trip back to Washington DC to compete in the Academic Bowl National Championship held at Gallaudet University.
While he was away, my home was quiet.
My daughter, who can hear, lives with earbuds firmly planted into her skull, and with Beatles tunes playing on an endless loop.
But, being weirded out by the quiet, I decided to remove her from the 1960s, took out said earbuds and request her company in the 21st century. She came willingly, bless her soul.
Mom and daughter spent many glorious days eating ice cream, making jewelry, singing Beatles songs (since she can't stand to be away from the Fab Four for too long), and giggling about the boy she likes who texts her until midnight most nights.
Her personality is not quite as loud as her brother's, but she is equally funny, witty, intelligent, clever, and silly.
She is a delight. An honest-to-goodness Angel who came to a family with a high-needs brother, and who learned sign language so well, that she, too, had to go to speech therapy.
She is a tender-hearted gift from above. I am honored to be her mother.
And I have to wonder, How did I get so lucky?