Yes, it's been a while since I've written. It's not that I've had nothing to write about - just the opposite, really. The fact that I have not written or updated for a while is solely due to there being too much to say.
With the focus of my blog being Count Your Blessings, this post will not go into great detail about the upset I just experienced, or the resulting discouragement I am currently drowning in. I will say, however, that I am not fully over the disappointment yet, nor do I expect to be anytime soon. (Even Pollyanna felt down in the dumps every now and then, right? And this blow, I'm convinced would have brought even the Glad-Game-playing darling to her knees.)
But I am not going to focus on what's wrong...or the deal that fell through. Though, goodness knows it's all I've been thinking about. Instead, I will squint as hard as I can through my rose-colored glasses to find something good about the situation.
You see, my hubby and I have been looking at moving to a better neighborhood for a while now. And we recently found the perfect house, situated perfectly along a quiet stream in the perfect neighborhood, and wonder of wonders! it was for sale! We made an offer. And so did three other people. The bank ultimately chose the offer that was literally just chump-change ahead of ours, which means that my family is stuck in our too small house in our too old neighborhood for the foreseeable future.
This is not where I want to be. Hence the discouragement, disappointment, and yes, even the depression that is currently weighing me down. The most frequently asked question since our realtor dropped this news: Why the other guys and not us?
So, now the hard part - find a silver lining.
Is there one?
Well sure. Moving is pain. Packing up the stuff we've accumulated over the past seven plus years would be an enormous task. A task I have been spared, it looks like. So there's one positive spin - a bit prosaic maybe, but a definite plus.
Can I dig deeper? Find a blessing that stings a little? Maybe. (*and I'm writing this with tears streaming down my face*)
Maybe that's not where we're supposed to be. If it had been right, it would have worked out. The hubs and I did everything right. Our offer was solid, honest and strong - well above the asking price. There are no regrets on that front, thankfully. We did everything above the board, legally and as it should have been done.
But it didn't work out. So, from that, I can only surmise that the perfectly situated house was not meant for us. It stings. Again, it begs the question; Why them and not us?
Faith is meant to be stretched. We are supposed to reach out, knowing that God is there ready to take our hand. Regardless of how hard it is, our souls are built to stretch.
Spiritual therapy - that's what this last week has been for me. I've gone from praying, "Please make them pick our offer," to sobbing, "Please tell me You haven't forgotten about me." And, while painful, I know that someday I'll understand why them and not us.
For now, I'll look up and continually search for that silver lining. Even through my tears.
Love to you,
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